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2010년 11월 6일 토요일

Help for Number Mania (English)

Number Mania

Version : 2.0β

About :

Just for units, numbers and calculations !
Unit – Convert more units at the easier
Number – See a great variety of numbers to be used for calculation
Calc – Meet a new dimension of calculation. (Variables and Constants, Complex numbers and Matrices)

How to Use :

1. Unit
When pushing Unit button, the list of unit kinds will be displayed. Choose one. 24 units of that kind at max will be shown in a grid. Touch one which will be a reference. And then the reference will have a value of 1 and others are converted according to it.

If you want the reference to have another value, push it a little bit long. A dialog for input value will be popped up. Enter a new value and push Confirm button, with the reference of the entered value, others are converted according to it.

2. Number
When pushing Number button, several tabs will be shown and numbers of the first tab will be listed. Each item has two lines. The top line has name and symbol of the number while the bottom line has value and dimension of it. If you remember name and/or symbol of it, you can use it to enter the constant in calculation.

If you push an item a little bit long, a popup will be displayed where you can copy it as value or symbol into Clipboard for use in calculation or in another app.

* For those who want to edit the internal DB, 2 Edit dialogs are provided as MENU, one for Units and the other for Numbers. You can edit (or add) and delete it. Only temperature among units is fixed. In case of Numbers, a kind cannot be added and deleted.

3. Calculation
Inputs of 3 kinds
When pushing Calc button, a calculator will be shown. The default screen has buttons for number-input. If touch the second text box from the top (which is character-input box), buttons are changed to character-input. For other charaters (eg. Korean), please push the text box a little bit long. At third, when pushing f(x) button, they are changed to function-input.

Within character-input box, if it's started with @, which will be a variable. Others will be constants. In case of constants, Auto Complete is supported for your convenience. If you select one among Auto Complete list, that constant\'s symbol will be entered into number-input box and the input focus also will move into it. = button will do the same. But, if you push CL button, all entered in character-input box will be discarded and the input focus will return to number-input box.

Auto Complete list only shows about 1.5 seconds for next input. Touching character-input box will toggle between showing and hiding it.

Movements of the cursor for edit
Within number input box, you can move the cursor to edit. Touch the left half for left move while the right half for right move by one character. And touch the head(most-left) for move first and the tail(most-right) for move last.

If you push 4mul button, you can see several pre-saved formulae which will help you understand how the formula should be formed. Choose one and it will be input into number-input box. When you push = button, a prompt to request value of a variable will be displayed. Enter a value and = button. Repeat this as many as the number of variables and push = button to calculate the formula.

Display of the result
The result will be shown in Complex number. If it has no imaginary part or is too small, only its real part will be shown. In Eng mode, it has the exponent form with 3 places of deicimal while in Fix mode (Default), it has no exponent, therefore, which can be 0 if it's too small. In that case, if you push Eng button, it will bi displayed as Eng mode immediately.

For angle, Deg is used as the default. If you push Rad button, it will be used after that. The result in number-input box is in rectangular form of the complex number. The result is displayed in the character-input box as the polar form of it, too. This is useful for checking the result. If you push ans button, The previous result will be recalled for the next calculation.

Statistic function
Any dedicated function for statistics is not provided. History functions, however, will give some statistical calculations. When pushing Stat button, History dialog will be shown. There, clear all histories and enter numbers for statistical calculation. And then push Stat button in History dialog. Some statistics will be calculated and displayed.

4. Matrix Calculation
* Restrictions : 1) Only real matrices are supported at this point. Complex matrices will be supported later. 2) Composite functions are not supported which will be also supported later.

Matrix Mode
For matrix calculation, push "->Matrix" button on the title bar of the Calc screen. To return to scalar calculation, push it again.

3 ways to input a matrix
There are 3 ways to input a matrix.

The first method is to use History function as follows. Input a number or an expression and push Exec button, which is stored as one element in History. And repeat this until the last element is entered in History. And click Hist button. In History dialog, you can find Matrix button. After push it, enter a name and the numbers of rows and columns to create a matrix into DB.

To indicate the name of a matrix, # character will be attached to the front of the name automatically while you should add # to the name of it to use a matrix later.

The second way is to enter elements directly as below.
ex) #a=[1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]
Enter the name of a matrix starting with #. And key-in = (which means substitution) and elements. Use , for column delimiter and ; for row delimiter.

The third method is to import a *.csv file from the outside. For this, pre-created *.csv files should already exist in the /sdcard/NumberMaina folder. (To make one, you can use any text editor.) After switching to function-input screen by clicking f(x) button, push "file" button. There, you can import a *.csv file into DB.

In addition, you can merge two matrices as follows.
(Row dir.)#f=[#d;#e]
(Column dir.)#c=[#a,#b]

eye : Create an identity matrix
(ex. eye(3) or #i3=eye(3))
zeros : Create a matrix with all 1
(ex. zeros(4,3) or #z3=zeros(3))
ones : Create a matrix with all 0
(ex. ones(4,3) or #one3= ones(3))
rand : Create a matrix with random elements
(ex. rand(4,3) or #rand3= rand(3))
reshape : Reform a matrix
(ex. #b=reshape(#a,4,3))
diag : Create a column vector with diagonal elements of a given matrix
(ex. #c1=diag(#a))

' : Transpose a matrix
(ex. #at=#a')
inv : Calc an inverse matrix
(ex. #ainv=inv(#a))
det : Calc a determinant
(ex. det(#a))
size : Get a dimension
(ex. size(#a))
rank : Calc a rank
(ex. rank(#a))
norm : Calc 2-norm
(ex. norm(#a))

lu : LU decomposition of a square matrix
(ex. [#al,#au]=lu(#a))
qr : QR decomposition of a matrix with m>=n
(ex. [#aq,#ar]=qr(#a))
eig :Eigen values decomposition
(ex. [#av,#ad]=eig(#a))
svd : Singular values decomposition
(ex. [#au,#as,#av]=svd(#a))
chol : Cholesky decomposition
(ex. #al=chol(#a))
roots : Calculate roots of a polynomial corresponding to a vector
(ex. roots(#poly)

exp : Matrix exponential
(ex. exp(#a))
^ : Matrix power
(ex. #a^3)
dot : dot product of two vectors
(ex. dot(#v1,#v2))
cross : cross product of two 3-dimension vectors
(ex. cross(#v1,#v2))
trace : Sum of diagoanal elements
(ex. trace(#a))
eval : Evaluate a matrix
(ex. eval(#a))

db : Delete, rename and export matrices stored in DB.
file : Delete, view and import *.csv fils under the /sdcard/NumberMania folder of the external storage.

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